Facilitation of an interdisciplinary scenario writing process

Different plausible futures for the building stock and the corresponding housing market for single-family homes can be a useful basis for political decision-making. Hence, a scenario writing process was conducted as part of the interdisciplinary “Single-familiy homes under pressure? (Homes-uP?)” research project, a collaborative effort of several Leibniz institutes.

Under the roof of the Dresdner Institut für Orientierungswissen, I moderated a series of scenario writing workshops. As external facilitators, we had designed the process beforehand and organized a series of workshops wich took place over the course of a year. During these workshops, the participants discussed the influencing factors, decided upon which factors to focus on, discussed their interactions, and identified key factors from which three different scenarios were derived. Between the workshops, we structured the internet-based collaboration and provided the necessary online tools. During the whole process, we actively fostered the interdisciplinary communication by identifying overarching concepts and putting forward suggestions regarding possible parallels of certain disciplinary concepts in the other disciplines.

Facilitation of an interdisciplinary scenario writing process